Happy Birthday Daddy!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Wednesday, January 30th was John's 33rd birthday, but since it was a work day and he was playing soccer that evening, we had the celebration on Friday night.  We just stayed in and I cooked a fabulous (if I do say so myself) gluten-free lasagna and chips (yes, we had chips or french fries, which as everyone knows goes with lasagna - just go with it, it's a Scottish thing).  We also had a wonderful gluten-free carrot cake, which is John's favorite!

Kyla and I gave John "Guitar Hero" for his birthday present - and everyone got into opening it.  It's a pretty addictive game and John and I played for over an hour before watching the Bourne Ultimatum.  John's really good at Guitar Hero, but I stink - I really need to practice.  And that's how it becomes addictive, you want to do better and better and better each time.