The Cabela's Experience

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The family took a little trip to Cabela's the other day and what an experience!  For those who don't know it, it's a huge store hunting/fishing/outdoor store just south of Austin.  A Texas tourist destination, if you will - although the locals love it too.  I'd never been there been there before and honestly you could spend a few hours just touring around looking at all the "wildlife" displays - they even have a huge aquarium tunnel.  Kyla had a blast looking at all the animals and we actually had to fight through the adults oohing and ahhing to get to some of the displays.  Enjoy the pictures John took on my iPhone, while I stood in the long Christmas check out lines to buy some gummy worms, we had to have. :)

Kyla and the Deer

Lots of Deer 

The Restaurant Sign Made Me Laugh

Toy Hunting Rifle - Nice Daddy!
Checking Out The Muskox