No Way

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kyla has finally said her first sentence!  Is it "Bye Daddy," "Hi Mummy," "Thank you" or anything sweet and sincere?  Nope, it's "No Way"!  Yes, leave it to MY daughter to say this first.  It's actually really cute to hear her say it and although I'm prompting her in the video, trust me she needs no prompting at home - she won't stop saying it!  I have to keep reminding her that we say "no thank you" not "no way."  Oiy!

On a side note, this morning, she did say "bye daddy" out of the blue.  So that was sentence #2. She calls John "da-ee"  which super precious!  I'll have to get that one on video next.


Meet the Browns said...

so sweet krista! nice to hear your voice, too.