Dylan at 2 Months

Friday, March 6, 2009

Our little chunky monkey is growing fast and already has yummy chubby thighs!  Here are his stats from 2/27/09 appointment

Weight:  13lbs 13oz (yes, you read that right!  He's off the charts in weight)
Height:  23-1/2" (65-75th percentile)
Head:  41cm (75th percentile)

D-Man is also starting to sleep for longer stretches, up to 9 hours the other night. Yay! Unfortunately, he's had a lot of congestion the last month or so.  We've taken him to the doctor multiple times and it looks like he has a little cold that's lingering, but that it could also be from reflux.  For now, the pediatrician wants us to add a bit of rice cereal to his formula to help it stay down in his stomach instead of coming back up his esophagus.  If that doesn't work, we'll move to medicine. Hopefully, it'll clear up soon because it always sounds like he's purring, poor thing.  


Anonymous said...

I was beginning to wonder if we were every going to see the little Dylan, I thought he may have his own blog. Awesome pictures of Kyla, looks like you have your hands full,

Meet the Browns said...

he is getting so big! what a cutie pie!