How Is He 9 Months Old?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This kid won't sit still! Unless he's sleeping, he's constantly on the move. It's a full on battle to get his diaper changed, clothes on or car seat buckled. I was actually really lucky to even get this one picture of him.

He's also got a really LONG reach as we've learned the hard way. He can reach all the way onto our kitchen table and start pulling anything he can get his hands on. Usually that's a place mat with a loaded plate, utensils and drink. And if that wasn't enough, DJ is an expert climber too! Anything he can use to climb higher, he'll find. It's no wonder he's got a permanent bruise on his forehead. Yeah, it's a barrel of laughs around here!

DJ also had his 9 month checkup and he's doing great, except for a pesky ear infection that won't go away. We are on the 2nd round of antibiotics, but hopefully it'll clear up soon. Here are his latest stats:

Weight - 21lbs 14oz (75th% - he's actually lost a pound from all the activity)
Height - 29-1/2" (90th% - yep, he's tall)
Head - 46.5cm (between 75th-90th%)

Dylan has 4 teeth right now and is cutting two more, which basically means he's a drool machine! He's LOVING his two front teeth and blows "raspberries" with abandon! To which Kyla responds "no sipping (spitting) DoDo!" Cracks me up every time. And yes, she still calls him "DoDo" (sounds like "DoeDoe"). Sometimes she'll say Dylan or DJ, but mostly just DoDo. Hopefully it won't stick, poor kid.

Oh, and Dylan got a mini-haircut last week to trim what I like to call his "Caesar" sideburns. Those pieces of hair that constantly curl forward making him look like Julius Caesar.