Need the Healing Vibes....

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's been 9 LONG weeks of sickness in our house. It all started with a simple cold in mid-November that turned into an ear infection. We'd get one child better and the other one would come down with something. Poor Kyla has had an ear infection for about 6 weeks now. She's been on 4 different antibiotics and just as she'd start to get better, another cold - which caused the fluid that's never drained from her ear to flare up again.

As we were finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.... we got an RSV diagnosis for both kids on Tuesday. Thankfully, we have a great pediatrician that did the RSV test even though our kids weren't exhibiting the classic signs. Since RSV is a virus we weren't prescribed any medicine, but they did warn us to watch for any secondary infection from the RSV. Well two short days later, Dylan has a severe ear infection and Kyla has fluid in her lungs and the start of a double ear infection. Thank goodness it hasn't turned into pneumonia, yet! The doctor thinks that Kyla isn't worse because she's been on a low dose maintenance antibiotic for the last 5 days. Obviously, it wasn't strong enough to deal with the secondary infection from the RSV, but kept it in check enough that Kyla doesn't have pneumonia.

So, please send some healing thoughts and prayers our way so my babies can finally be healthy!

On the bright side, our little doctor in training was VERY excited to get a "finger-poke" to check her white blood cell count and a chest x-ray. Yes, she is the only child in history who actually LOVES going to the doctor and getting poked and prodded. The nurses and doctors love her - she's their best patient, by far! They get quite a kick out of how serious she is while they work and how she watches everything they do. She's also a star pupil for opening wide and taking deep breaths. We are very lucky that our pediatrician takes the time to look at Kyla's ears and listen to her heart, even when she is healthy and the appointment is for DJ. Kyla tells me that she wants to be a pediatrician like Dr. Ruiz and help sick kids. Ahhhh....a mother's dream! Although, let's hope she becomes a doctor and not a hypochondriac!