Kyla's 3rd Year Video

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's taken a few months and many tweaks, but it's finally ready! It has been amazing to see the changes that have happened in one short year. Here are a few highlights:

1. She's become a real "chatty-cathy" putting together complex sentences and making up silly words
2. Potty-trained
3. Started preschool
4. Can swim under water for 6-7 seconds
5. Sleeps in a big-girl bed
6. Can pedal a tricycle
7. Counts to 20 in English and to 10 in Spanish
8. Recognizes all the letters of the alphabet and can draw a few
9. Started ballet and become quite the dancer
10. Fell in love with all things Disney Princess/Fairy

Hope you enjoy the stroll down memory lane with our sweet little girl.

Professional pictures courtesy of, and