Miss You Already

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Girlfriends are just irreplaceable.  Especially ones who've been there through the most wonderful and hardest times of your life - like having a baby or two.  My good friend Staci (from my Austin mom's group of three) is moving to California this week.  Tonight, Staci, Mollie and I went out for a "fond farewell and good luck" girl's night out.  What a fun evening reminiscing, talking about ourselves and our kids and dreaming (and laughing) about the future.  We ended the night in peels of laughter - just like you should with good girlfriends.  I think you can tell from the blurry unlit iPhone photos - we had a good time - as usual!

3 Peas in a Pod

Beautiful Staci

We'll miss you terribly Staci!  Kyla will definitely miss her soul-mate Aidric - the one boy who can make her laugh like no other.  We wish you all the happiness in the world!  Happy Trails!


Staci said...

I had SUCH a great time- thanks so much for being a huge part of our time here in Austin. I am going to cry the first time Aidric asks to go to Kyla's house!! See you next June =)