Kiddo Update

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Updates!  I can't believe how fast my  babies are growing!  Here are some stats from their recent well-check appointments

Weight:  17lbs (90th %)  yes, 17lbs, that's not a typo!
Height:  26" (90th %), thank goodness it matches is weight
Head: 43.5cm (75th %)

Dylan is a BIG boy.  He doesn't eat a lot at one feeding due to his reflux, but I guess in the course of a day he can throw back quite a few bottles (hopefully this isn't a predictor for college frat life).  He's a happy guy and just smiles and laughs at everyone.  Hopefully now that we've gotten the green light to start rice cereal, he'll sleep a bit better through the night.  Please.

Weight:  25.2lbs (25th %)
Height: 34-1/2" (75th %)

Miss Kyla is, as the doctor called her "long and lean."  It's funny to think at her 1 year appointment she was 22.7lbs (90th %) and has only gained 2-1/2lbs the entire year!  She loves to run, jump and play so it's no wonder all the baby fat melted away.  If the whole adult height calculation thing is correct (double her 2 year height) then Kyla will be about 5'7"-5'8" when she's an adult.  That's 3-4" taller than her mum.  Yikes - I can't imagine having to look up at my daughter!  Thank goodness I have a few years until that happens.  

Kyla is doing much better with her speech and is starting to put 2 and 3 words together.  She's quiet like her dad, so we have to work with her to say "sentences" vs. just one word, but she's getting there.  She also very much a 2 year old - challenge, challenge, challenge.  You know when your mom says, "hope you get a child just like you" - someone somewhere writes it down and makes sure it comes true for you.  Because if stubbornness and rebelliousness are inherited traits, she's my daughter!  But she's also sweet and loving - giving lots of tuddles (cuddles) and kisses.  She also loves her baby doll (even though she sometimes drags her by her hair), and "baby" has to do everything that Dylan does.  Very cute!