Saturday Snail

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturdays are spent sleeping in (John and I take turns) and then family lawn care time at 10am. We actually find it fun - John mows, I edge (or weed-whack as I like to call it) and pull weeds.  Today while I was working, I found a snail in the grass.  I like to show Kyla the real-life version of things we see in books like lady bugs, ants, crickets, rolly-pollys and today, a snail.  She's a brave girl because no matter what it is, she likes to hold it (except the ants of course).   

This guy was pretty cute and very patient being transferred from my hand to Kyla's and back again, over and over.  Even now, she's pointing to where we found him and saying "snail, hand, Kyla hold"  Too bad Mr Snail had to go back home to his family.

Wanting to hold the snail...
...and now get it off!

Kyla and her snail
Putting him back in the grass
Mr. Snail Close up
My brave girl wanting to hold him again.  By herself!